During that brief window, while I was trying to piece things together, I realized how out-of-sync I am, sitting here in America. There was a war going on in Israel and, for 12 or more hours, I was utterly clueless.
Well, if that's not a vivid demonstration of the pain of galut, I don't know what is.
Here's another painful moment. A few days ago, Kumah posted a link to a video clip of some Chabad men dancing and singing in the middle of Machane Yehuda on Chanukah. All around them, people are shopping for cabbage and pita, but this group of men brought the ruach of Chanukah into the marketplace.
It's an amateurish video, probably taken with someone's camera phone. As I watched it, I started to cry because I don't live in a place where such a thing could ever happen.
This is also the pain of galut.