Hi everyone,
Just an update from our home in Baltimore.
Yesterday I drove Rivkah to Newark airport so she could arrive a day before Ariella's aliyah flight. After a 5 hour delay, Rivkah finally took off and arrived safely today in Israel. Rivkah and her brother Herschel will be joined by several friends at the arrival ceremony at Ben Gurion in just a couple of hours.
Shani and I and her Uncle Brian joined Ariella on the drive to JFK today, as Ariella joined over 200 others on their aliyah flight this afternoon, the last Nefesh b'Nefesh flight of the summer of 2009. We were joined at the airport by Ariella's cousins Sara Nechama, Nochum and their 5-month old baby, Baruch Binyamin.
There is a farewell ceremony, with several speakers, followed by cake and soda, and then came the time no one was looking forward to, saying goodbye to Ariella.
Man, was that tough. Was that ever hard.
It was exactly a year ago when, the night before Ariella was leaving for her year of study in Israel, I told her what will be playing in my head when we bid farewell....it was the Muppets movie, I think they were in NY, and at the end, when time for departure comes, the characters sing, "It's time for saying goodbye." And then, a year ago, minutes before the last hugs prior to
her passing through security, it was, indeed, time for saying goodbye.
But this was very different. Her closet is empty of clothes, her room is mostly bare and devoid of her special touches, and with duffles and backpacks stuffed with what makes her Ariella, she was ready to check in at the El Al counter, seconds away from receiving a boarding pass to the rest
of her life 6000 miles away.
Hugging her and crying, I blessed her and wished her every success and happiness, hesitating to let her go, squeezing her one more time before she belonged to everyone else waiting their turn.
I told her that even though we don't share the same genetic material, in less than twelve hours, only she and I will share something special that she shares with no one else in the family- citizenship in Israel.
A few more waves, and blown kisses, and mouthed "I love you"s, and it was....time....for saying........goodbye.
We met when she was 6. I left Israel when I was 6. Now, she is going to my home, to make a home for herself.
L'hitraot, Ariella, may Hashem bless every step you take in your new home.
And may our steps not be far behind.
Love to you, dear friends,
I wasn't sure what to expect from my heart this morning as I waited for the arrival of the plane that brought my daughter Home.
When we first entered the welcoming ceremony, images from the departure ceremony at JFK the day before were rotating on the huge screens in the airport. I got to see pictures of my family, including one shot of the three people I love the most in the whole universe, standing together, larger than life.
As the plane touched down, we were able to watch it live on these same screens. When I saw my daughter, my first-born child, step out of the plane, landing in Israel for the first time as an Israeli citizen, I screamed with joy. Then, with the support of some loving friends who are all Israeli citizens themselves, sharing this miraculous morning with me, I rushed outside to greet her in person.
I didn't have to wait long. Ariella was practically the very first person to get off Tram #1 and walk through the crowds of greeters. Considering how long I waited to greet her at birth (31.5 hours of labor), this was fine compensation indeed.
Trying to catch her eye, I started jumping up and down with excitement and anticipation (not a common emotional response in my middle-aged life). I had kissed her goodbye in Baltimore just two days before, but I could not wait to hug her now.

Thank You God for bringing my daughter Home.
Ain od milvado. There is truly none besides Him.
Uh... do you have any of those tissues left? Between the writings of two of funniest people I know, I am an utter mess. Thank you for putting your hearts out there. What is the expression? "Ariella is not leaving. She's leading." May you all come Home very soon.
Oh man. Oh man. BEAUTIFUL!!!! All of it. Ein od milvado indeed...
Rivka - you look so happy! What beautiful posts. Thank you, Elan and Rivka, for sharing your emotions and thoughts with us.
It was so nice to be there with you and share your joy. May Ariella have an easy klita. We will be there with her to welcome both of you home.
And I was passed out on the tarmac. Oh, well, my intentions were good. Can't wait to welcome you and Elan. Minus 45 months and counting?
I can't tell you how touched I was from reading this, not to mention viewing the video of the arrival. You've iginited a spark in me that I've not felt before that perhaps will one day light a path towards a direction that I've never thought to take. FYI - even Mira knows this is our home and calls it as such. Maybe one day we'll come to know what you've already realized. Mazal Tov on your daughter's achievement. Shana Tova - Gerri and Mira
And I met my daughter coming off the same flight! A little different, though, as my Aliyah preceeded hers by 6 years. Sometimes the Abba actually knows what's best! Still, I flew over to the Old Country to help her pack and organize. Then came back to the Holy Land the day before the NBN arrival to meet her. No more excuses, Rivka. We're waiting form you!
No more excuses, Rivka. We're waiting form you!
AZ - You have to believe me when I tell you that, if Hashem would allow it, I would make aliyah in a heartbeat. In a New York minute. In a nanosecond.
But for now, Hashem is saying, "Not yet Rivkah. Not yet."
That's my reality. And an opportunity to strengthen my emuna.
I believe you, Rivka! It was just a good-natured nudge. At least you have the yearning. Most in the Old Country (even Charm City!) do not. As for the "not yet," I thought I heard that, too. A few smacks-upside-the-head later, my hearing improved substantially and here I am. B"H!!
Mazal Tov, Rivka. What a pleasure it was to meet you at the blogger's convention. You and your husband must be bursting with pride. Having your daughter here is just an extra anchor pulling you closer. B'ezrat Hashem you'll join her soon.
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