The Person Behind The Posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Winter in Jerusalem


The rains will return soon. This
year I will notice the wet stones
of Jerusalem
and call them art.

I will cherish the sweet, fat flesh
of February’s yellow peppers
the same way I admire
the sunlight that
illuminates the arcs of water
my arms draw in the air
when I backstroke my way
through July.

Soon, I will burrow into my warm boots and grey sweatshirt,
thin and soft with age.

I will inhale the strawberry scent that perfumes
Israel’s winter.
I will fill my husband’s belly with soup.
I will kindle the lights of Chanukah
with visitors I love and
cry when they

And I will bless You,
Master of All, for inviting me to witness
another season.


© Rivkah Lambert Adler, 2024


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