My list is, no doubt, idiosyncratic. The specific songs on my aliyah/geula playlist are:
Jerusalem is Calling
Avraham Rosenblum & Diaspora on the CD Voices for Israel
Stand Up
Ayelet HaShachar on the CD Ohr Chadash
Barbra Streisand singing at the conclusion of the 1978 Stars Salute Israel show
Flipping Out
Blue Fringe on the CD My Awakening
We Will Survive
Jordan Chaviv on the CD Baal Teshuva
Where Did We Go Wrong (Mashiach Song)
Jordan Chaviv on the CD Baal Teshuva
Jerusalem is Mine
Kenny Karen on the CD Voices for Israel
Come Back
Moshav Band on the CD Higher and Higher
Return Again
Moshav Band on the CD Return Again
Return Again
Neshama Carlebach on the CD Journey
L'shana Haba
Neshama Carlebach on the CD Journey
In Israel
Sam Glaser on the CD Voices For Israel
Shlomo Katz on the CD VeHakohanim
Tefilla L'Shalom Ham'dina
Shoresh On the CD Voices for Israel
1 comment:
I become joyful just reading the list!
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