I found a recipe for spinach burgers online that I'm going to tweak to make pareve. Alas, at the second grocery store today, the place where we regularly shop, there was no frozen spinach.
On the way home, we stopped at a third large grocery store and, again, no spinach.

What the heck!? Did Popeye move to Ma'ale Adumim?
There is a smaller store, a cross between a grocery store and a makolet (mini-market), in the neighborhood we pass without really going out of our way. I actually needed zucchinis too. And the onions I forget to get at the last two stores.
I found many fat zucchinis and perfectly acceptable onions at store #4. Emboldened, I went to the frozen section to look for my spinach.
"?יש תרד" (Is there spinach?) I said to the guy stocking the freezer section in perfectly correct Hebrew that I had looked up on my translator app just moments before.
He looked at me with those deer-in-the-headlights eyes I get whenever a clerk is explaining something to me in rapid fire Hebrew.
And he says to me, "I, eeeh, don't speak English."
That's okay, these gorgeous ceramic pomegranates popping up in time for Tu B'Shevat cheered me right up.
In the end, I made spinach balls instead of burgers. Vegan. And yum. |
What is the name and kind of translator app that you use?
It's a Hebrew-English English-Hebrew dictionary by Prolog. I use it on an iPhone. I think it costs $4.99.
The food you show looks so delicious.
Should have posted the recipes, would love to try it. :)
I use Google Translate on my iPhone. It's free :)
Whenever I see the word vegan I'm tempted to say vegans go back to Vega where you came from. But I don't.
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