I spend a lot of (too much) time in my home office. So when DH had a chance to go to Jerusalem on Thursday to eat sushi with a friend who had a coupon for a new sushi place in the shuk, I went along, even though I don't like sushi. Sometimes, it's all about the chavaya - the experience.
We sat at an outdoor table right near the Iraqui shuk. Across from us was some kind of club house for old Israeli men. Inside, there was a bit of friendly gambling going on. Outside, sitting in mismatched chairs that had seen brighter days, was a cavalcade of retired Israelis. The setting was, ahem... quite the opposite of glamorous. Tucked away in a hidden corner of the shuk where tourists don't venture, it was like looking at a scene in Israel, circa 1955. A most humble setting, an aura of bonhomie and an afternoon of pleasant diversions.
Peek inside the door to see where the games were being played. |
Around the corner, we saw more old men, this time playing Shesh Beish. Or what we used to call backgammon in the Old Country. |
Two chayalot - female Israeli soldiers, enjoying lunch (and technology) off the beaten path in the shuk. |
I cringed at this t-shirt that was for sale, but ultimately had to laugh at it. It says, "I don't need Google. My wife knows everything!" | | |
A classic Jerusalem alleyway with the requisite image of a random religious man. |
If you're into cooking Asian food, this store on Agrippas probably has all the ingredients you'll need. |
Of course, not everything sold in Jerusalem is quite kosher. |
Israel's equivalent of the "Be Right Back" sign on a locked store front. |
We bumped into an open-air flea market where, it became pretty obvious, junk is still junk anywhere in the world. |
Although I did snag a handful of old Israeli telephone tokens (asimonim) and learned that they are decorated on the back with a replica of an old phone dial. How many of you knew that? |
What is it with old Israeli men sitting on the street? |
They're everywhere, in the most random places. |
Here's a picture of some Arab women sitting on a bench, waiting for the Light Rail, under the flag of the Jerusalem municipality. Yeah, definitely an apartheid country. |
And everywhere you look... |
Israeli flags. |
It was an altogether satisfying afternoon playing hooky in Jerusalem.
Okay, what did you pay for the asimonim? I saved two :-)
And yes, I knew it was a dial phone design.
I liked the photo of the Haredi guy in the alley. You're good!
And here I was wondering what caption you'd give that (first) picture, and it ended up being a whole blog! Enjoyed!!
Varda - Not likely to make you rich. I paid 2 NIS each. Thanks for reading!
Playing hooky and roaming around Jerusalem is infinitely more fun than playing hooky in NYC was :)
Wish I could do it more often!
Terrific pics, thanks for sharing.
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