This post is a roundup of some photos I took with my iPhone in the last few months of just ordinary life in Israel.
The heart-shaped potato was so cute, I almost didn't have the "heart" to use it. But it contributed to a fabulous veggie kugel for Shabbat some weeks ago. |
I snapped this picture a moment too late to really see the Arab woman leading the donkey (at least I think it's a donkey) across a gas station. You can glimpse half of her at her in the left-hand frame. Yeah, an Arab woman and a donkey at the gas station. Just another typical Israel moment. | |
First time visitors to Ma'ale Adumim often comment how beautiful the city is. These are some local flowers I photographed while waiting for a bus outside the library. |
In some ways, life in Israel is like living in the 1950s. Consumer choices are often simpler here. I've started hanging laundry to dry. | | |
In this shot, taken from a hotel room window at the Dead Sea, you can clearly see how the Dead Sea really is drying up. |
My dream house in Israel. It isn't my actual house. It's the one I plan to buy when my mother-in-law wins the lottery. |
In Israel, the street signs sometimes tell you what you shouldn't do with your car on Shabbat, holidays and at communal prayer time. |
My husband took this photo a few weeks ago. First signs of Sukkot in Jerusalem. |
Shana Tova v'Chag Sameach from the Egged Bus Company. It was hard to get this shot on a moving bus, but oh, so worthwhile! |
In Israel, even the eggs say Chag Sameach. How can you not love this?! (Photo Credit: Marcia Chiger) |
Great pictures! I love the lovey potato. If I may ask, what city is your dream house in?
Love these! Shana Tova!
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